Friday, October 19, 2012

{Giveaway} Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!

I am so excited to share with you a wonderful giveaway that will bless your kids over and over again!

Let me tell you a little bit about Jump Into a Book's eBook, 'Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. This eBook is meant to enhance your reading experience of the book CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY by Roald Dahl, as well as create wonderful memories with your family through recipes, crafts and activities. Roald Dahl was one of my favorite authors when I was growing up!

The wonderful creators of this eBook are Valarie Budayr and Roscoe Welply.  I would have to say that their work together is pure 'magic'. The illustrations of each activity, and just the way the entire eBook is laid out is just the way you would imagine Willy Wonka's Factory to be. In fact, I could see this eBook sitting on Willy Wonka's coffee table ready for him to read over a cup of hot chocolate.

The eBook takes you on a journey through each party of the Willy Wonka factory, and each different room or part of the factory has an activity that pertains to what happened in the book.  To introduce the book to my girls who are a little younger, we first got the Book on CD out at the library and listened to it in the car as we drove. The girls never wanted to stop listening to it, and we therefore finished listening in two days.  I have started reading the book aloud,  as well as my older daughter, who is only in Kindergarten, has become so eager that she wants to read it aloud too. This is what makes a homeschooling moms heart melt. To have a child who has been so inspired and excited to read through making the book come alive.

That is exactly what this eBook will do for your family. It will not only make the book come alive, but it will also make you as a family feel more alive. We had so much fun doing some of the activities, I wanted to share a few photos of what we did.  There are more activities than I could fit in the few days I have had the eBook, but we will continue to do activities. The next thing we are going to do is make our own gum!
We couldn't possibly read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory without making the wonderful recipe of 'Hot Chocolate Churned by Waterfall'. The girls loved the process of making the hot chocolate from scratch, making the whipped cream and then topping it off with a little cinnamon.  You can see how important they felt as we sat and read the book while we sipped our hot chocolate.

The next thing we did was to do a craft of making a Willy Wonka Luminary. This was a fun craft that I did with my oldest child since the cutting was a little intricate. But the end result was great, and the kids loved when I put a candle behind the luminary at night. It was as if the candy truly was floating in the air.
I could go on and on about the educational benefits, history lessons, quality family time and fun that you could have with the eBook, but I'd rather give a few away so you can see for yourself. If you simply can't wait for the giveaway to end, you can head right over to 'the purchase page' for The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I am so excited to be able to give away 2 copies of this eBook!  The winners will be chosen through Random.Org and this giveaway will end on Monday, October 31, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST.

Here's how to enter:

1) Leave a comment,  include your email, and tell me who you would do the activities in the ebook with.

2) Head on over to the Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Facebook page, 'like' them and leave a comment on this post telling me you did so.

3) Tweet about this giveaway or re-post on Facebook and leave a comment telling me you did so.

Good Luck and happy reading!!


  1. I would love to use this e-book guide with my daughter Alyssa! We will read this book soon. We also have plans to see a play on stage performed at Magik Theater. My e-mail is tlm swt 2000 (at) msn (dot) com. Please remove spaces and replace words with symbols if I win. This would be so much fun! Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  2. I liked the Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Facebook page and while I was there visiting I found the Saturday Book Club Linky. How neat! Thank you for sharing the page.

  3. Okay so I just realized that this was an old post from last year. I saw October and assumed it was this year. Sorry.
