Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 2- Sonlight, Isaac and Coracles

 Our flooded pond behind our house

This week started out a little crazy, and finished out crazy. 
Hence, we did not get to all I had hoped for this week but we did do all of the basics. 
And we even got to make our Coracles with the neighbor!!

We had Tropical Storm Isaac to deal with and had tons of rain
 which caused regular schools to be cancelled for two days.
 My middle child goes to preschool, so we had everyone in the house for two days. 
We also were touched with a bit of a 24 hour bug, 
which in a house of 5 people becomes a 'week long family bug.'
Claire playing in the were swimming on top of the grass

We accomplished all of our Math-U-See lessons for the week which is still pretty much review for Lily but she enjoys it (I've got a Mathlete on my hands).
We finished up The Boxcar Children, and started and finished Dolphin Adventure for our Read-Alouds. 
We are now about 2 weeks ahead on the read-alouds so after our next book,My Father's Dragon,  
 I think I am going to get out the next book in
 The Boxcar Children Series from the library,

 The girls enjoyed narrating the two books in their own words....

  At the end of the school year, I will compile these narrations and turn them into a book. I think it will be great memories for the girls as they grow older!

Here is a look at our Coracle that we made as part of our study of the earliest civilizations...
We tried to float them in the bowl to make sure they worked.
The craft instructions were in the Usborne Book Living Long Ago
 that came with the Sonlight Curriculum. 
The directions called for pipe cleaners but we used Bendaroos because that's all I had on hand.

Overall, the kids had a great time seeing if their coracle would float,
 and then making little men to float in the raft.
But of course, the most fun is seeing how much weight you need to sink the boat!

 I started our All About Reading Curriculum with Lily, and we both really like it. 
Our wall is set up that has all of the tiles on it.

I didn't get a chance to start the book Madeline with Five In a Row series
 due to the Library being closed,
 so we are anxious to start it this week!

I'll share more about the upcoming week with you in my lesson plans for Week 3 post on Monday!



  1. We are doing pieces of Sonlight preschool this year, and plan to start Kindergarten with Core A next year. I'm so excited to watch your blog this year and get ideas!

  2. Hi Katie! I love posting our 'favorites' of the week on here. Lily loves crafts so I try to incorporate something artsy every week! Thanks for reading!
