Monday, August 20, 2012

Kindergarten Curriculum for 2012-2013


Summer is rolling to an end, hence...
 I have officially enrolled my daughter, Lily, into homeschool.
Over the past two years,
I haven't posted on here much because
 we have gone through much transition. 

My two girls both went to afternoon preschool last year,
and I am happy with that decision.
 But I knew that I would always homeschool the children
 as they got older and I transitioned into having more children.

I thought I would start off my new blogging journal posts
 with an overview of what we will be using for Curriculum,
along with some helpful websites that I use.

I have been very much influenced by Michelle over at
Delightful Learning. 
She is such an inspiration as a mother as well as a homeschool mom.
I am using a lot of the same curriculum that she uses with a few minor changes.
 You can find her curriculum list for this year here.

For Lily (6):

 Grace Homeschool Connection: A church where homeschoolers go and take classes with other homeschooolers.  Lily will be taking Art, Latin and Memory. We started last week, She loves it!!  

That's about it, I will be journaling about our experiences an fun things we do on here... stay tuned!!


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