Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 20: Honesty

This week we are going to do a topic that
the girls did not necessarily choose...
but rather one that has come about due to necessity,
so it kind of chose them.
I really want to see if we can get the topic of the Big L (lying)
to be better understood,
and more so focus on telling the truth, or honesty.

I did some research online, and apparently,
many pediatricians and doctors agree that lying
is a part of cognitive development and it is actually a
recorded 'milestone' to show that your child is learning
to make decisions on their own,
realize that they are separate from you,
and also that they have an imagination
which can make the real word a lot better!

I am really interested seeing how this lesson impacts
Lily and her understanding of telling the truth.


To be totally honest ( ha ha),
we all came up with a plan to have a
"Gum Night"
if we can all go three days without lying.
We start the day with a sticker, and if we lie, we lose our sticker...
Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy were the first to lose their stickers.
Who needs this lesson more?
(FYI- my lie was exaggerating ( a weakness of mine)
that the girls have seen a million cats....not true.
My husband's lie was that he wanted to eat the rest of the trail mix
and told the girls there was no more...
his guilt set in, and a sticker was lost.)

The only one at the end of the three days
to get to have gum was our 2.5 year old Claire...
great job Claire!

CoverFancy Nancy : my family history by O'Connor, Jane.

CoverBig whopper by Giff, Patricia Reilly.

CoverTell the truth, B.B. Wolf by Sierra, Judy.

CoverPrincess K.I.M. and the lie that grew by Cocca-Leffler, Maryann,

CoverHonesty by Pryor, Kimberley Jane.

CoverHonestly, Mallory! by Friedman, Laurie B

CoverHonestly! by Doudna, Kelly

CoverRuthie and the (not so) teeny tinylie by Rankin, Laura.

CoverMiko. "It was me, Mom!" by Weninger, Brigitte.

CoverAlex did it! by Weigelt, Udo

CoverEdwurd Fudwupper fibbed big by Breathed, Berke

CoverEdith & Mr. Bear by Wright, Dare

Crafts & Activities

We will make a truth wheel using a printable PDF- Click on the website, and then scroll down and click on the PDF entitled Telling The Truth vs Lies.

I couldn't find many crafts, so I decided that we would do a story board... I will ask Lily to come up with a story where a child has the opportunity to tell the truth, or lie...we will have two different endings. Lily can draw her own pictures of the story, and hopefully the ending for telling the truth will be a positive one for her. I'm excited to see what she comes up with!



We will read the book The Empty Pot by Demi- which is a Chinese fable about rewarding a child for telling the truth.... the main part of the story is about Seeds, so I thought we would make some kind of snack dealing with seeds...possibly a trail mix that has seeds in it, or even a lemon poppy seed muffin..mmmm.
Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins. Photo by KC_Cooker

On a personal note, I ordered these If/Then charts to help me with consistent discipline. They also include verses that go with the particular behavior. To go along with that, you can order the Blessings chart which rewards your children for being a blessing to of both worlds!


1 comment:

  1. We're so happy that you incorporated our Tell The Truth song into your lesson plan on honesty.
    We have a new Motown-ish song called Honest Kid on our new CD, Tiny Cool (no video as of yet, but a great story on the benefits of being an honest kid). Hope you'll give it a listen on itunes!

    Thanks again, mama!

