Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Needed Break....& A Much Needed Book

Many of you know from my other blog, or from me talking to you that I recently was in the hospital with viral meningitis...you can read (if anyone at all cares) about my exciting March on my other blog here.

If you are visiting here often, you will find that I haven't posted in a long time. I have been trying to recover, and in doing so, basically let go of everything except taking care of my family. I did however during that time, purchase a book for Lily that we have been enjoying very much.

One of my biggest fears when it comes to homeschooling is..."Will I Be Able to Teach My Child to Read?" Then I was talking to some other homeschooling friends, and they mentioned this book:

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons book cover

Its called Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann. I would highly recommend this book for a Preschooler if.... and the key word here is if....

1. They have an attention span large enough where they can sit for at least 15 minutes and concentrate on one thing.

2. They already have a strong desire to read.

3. They don't get easily bored by repetition.

4. You have the patience to do this EVERY day.

The lessons are definitely repetitive, and pictures don't start until I think around lesson 18. All in all, I truly think the method of this book works for the right child.

Ok, if this is you and your child, read on!

I also purchased the BOB books seen here. These books have been TREMENDOUS in helping Lily to read. They give her confidence, and they fit in almost perfectly with the sounds she is learning in the Lesson book. Lily and I are on Lesson 14 of the other book, and she is already reading the first 3 BOB books on her own.

So, for now, I am still taking a break on creating weekly lesson plans, although looking back at this blog, I am definitely itching to get back into it...and I am sure Lily is too.


1 comment:

  1. I used the books that you featured for all 8 of my children. They are great!!
