Monday, February 15, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

I am so honored to get the Beautiful Blogger Award from Home Grown Families! Thank you so much! This is my first award for this blog, and I wanted to pass it on to some other Beautiful Bloggers. Here's how it works:

The rules for this award are as followed:

  • Thank the person who kindly passed this to you, and link your award back to them.
  • Pass it on to 15 (I only have time for 5) blogs that deserve a Beautiful Blogger Award. Let them know they earned this award.
  • List 7 things about yourself.
Ok, 7 Things about Me.....

  1. I used to be in a band called Jimmy Roots... I sang and played keys. We traveled across the country in an RV and recorded an album.... fun times.
  2. I love the idea of homeschooling my children, but am really scared about how it will all pan out..I don't want my children to count on their fingers like I still do... (did I just tell you that?)
  3. I LOVE LOVE to craft, but am about the least crafty person you will ever meet...hence the best job for me.... Lesson Plans Craft Editor over at Craft Gossip....
  4. I am reading the Twilight Series....its taking me a REALLY long time.
  5. I get really sick during pregnancies, but want to be pregnant again...yup, I'm crazy:)
  6. I'm not a numbers person and I don't care if people know how old I am....30 FYI
  7. I dance in my living room with my family many times a week...

The much deserving Blogs are...( in no particular order)



  1. So cool that you were in a band! I just played the flute poorly in high school. I just finished reading the Twilight books and I am embarrassed to admit how much I liked them. :)

  2. Don't worry about how it will all pan out. Do it for today, and if tomorrow doesn't work than you can take care of it then. One day at a time! Thank you for passing it on! I really love your blog!

  3. I am really enjoying these award posts as I learn more about the person behind the blog, so to speak. I am also discovering new (to me anyway) and wonderful blogs through the links that are provided in these posts.

    Congratulations on your awrd - very well deserved.

  4. I need to proof read before I publish my comments, sorry! That should be: congrats on your award.

  5. Congrats on your award! I count on my fingers too;)

  6. congrats on your award, you must be excited, I have not received one yet either, but I have only been bloggin since November. enjoy it.

  7. Congratulations to you and thank you! My first award too - I feel so honored! I am going to spend the evening thinking of other charming blogs to showcase. Isn't the internet a lovely place?
